Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Haven't Blogged much

I've never been an avid blogger like those who blog every day and sometimes more than once a day. Sometimes I envy those people and other times I don't.

As to why I don't blog as much as I could...should...want to...well, mainly cause I guess I ain't got time. And then, there's the other side -- does what I blog about really mean much? Does it impact the readers? Should it impact my readers? Ah...doesn't matter I guess.

Well, today I am blogging not so my about why I haven't blogged, but rather to post the following tidbit of information my friend Darren has sent me. I find it quite fascinating. And I am an avid, and I do mean avid, proponent of the following behavior.

Here we go.

Taken from "Why Do Men Have Nipples?"...

*On the average, a fart is composed of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen. Less than 1% of its makeup is what makes it stink.

*The temperature of a fart at time of creation is 98.6F.

*Farts have been clocked at a speed of 10 feet per second.

*A person farts about a half a liter of farts a day.

*Women fart as much as men.

*The gas that makes farts stink is hydrogen sulfide. The more sulfur rich your diet, the more they will stink. Foods that cause this are beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, & eggs

*Most people fart about 14 times a day.

Smell you all later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a blog is a little time capsule of your life that you are willing to share with the world. Maybe it impacts them, maybe it doesn't. I like to reread my old blogs to see where I was and how I've changed. I hope you keep blogging when you have time. It impacts me.......