Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Its so nice to be here working in the county. It really is cool and find myself happy.

Even though it is only the second day, I like it. I know with time it will get busier, and that's okay...I'm really happy to be here.

If I were to sum up how I feel, I'd say I feel like a Regina Spektor song -- all over the place and happy and content.


ScottVW said...

Hey Ramon! Great news that you have a new job. I'm glad you like it so far. I'm also blogging at wewowr.blogspot.com.

gotta go!

ScottVW said...

sorry, i messed up the html on my comment. it's wewowr.blogspot.com

I hope you're doing well. That Baby Got Book video is pretty darn funny, I've got to say.