Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The feeling of ...

I don't mind being on crunch time. But I hate the feeling of being on crunch time while totally lost and frustrated.

Crunch time is good, unless of course you get too much of it. And if that be the case, then one of two things is happening, well maybe three:

1. you're a glutton for crunch time.
2. you're repeatedly forced into crunch time by work, family, life, etc...
3. you're a procrastinator ... and therefore, you suck!

I must admit that I am, at least for today, a combo of number 3 and 1. But now that I think of it, 1 and 3 are pretty darn similar.

Damn it...I'm a sucky glutton!

Waiting Anticipatively

There are some cool things brewing in the background. Once I find out if they are a go or no go, I'll let you know.

If you feel lead, please pray - although you don't know what it is - pray that it would happen if it be his will.

7 months

My lovely wife reminded me this morning via IM that we have hit our 7 month weeding anniversary.

I'm making her dinner this evening. Too bad she won't get home till 7 p.m. :-(

Jeremiah Smith

Any other week I would call him a "punk, jerk face". But this week, I envy him. The man with the killer job is 'working' in Australia this week. While he counts cards and scratches Wilda beasts on their behind, I'm stuck in Vegas counting lines of code and scratching my own behind.

I kinda miss him. Hurry home, mate.

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