Thursday, May 19, 2005


Some have asked what I meant when I wrote: "with one quick, unintetional move, a grown man is left in pain."

I thought the wity, clever comment would explain it well. I guess it wasn't that wity or clever, and the explanation didn't come through either.

After explaining the situation in detail to Tommy and Gregg S., Gregg says: "you're supposed to say that you hurt the boys..."

So, leaving you with Gregg's words, what I meant to say is that "I hurt the boys."

Thank you, Gregg.



Cheryl said...

What boys?

Ramon Avendano said...

Cheryl, my friend.

I want to be sensitive to your question since I do not know if you are serious in your question or if you are making a joke.

So, by default, I will say this: Doug is probaly the appropriate person to answer :-)

Cheryl said...

Just TRYING to be funny. Thanks for your sensitivity though! Interesting thing to post.

darren said...

A very p/c response.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl -


I'm gglad you were being funny...its a lot easier to deal with.

Much love,
